Whole-food, plant-based recipes

A “whole food, plant based” way of eating involves focusing your diet on vegetables, fruits, beans, and grains. This approach also means that foods are eaten close to their natural state so are not processed or are minimally processed, avoiding highly processed foods. Since oil is considered a highly processed food, these recipes do not include oil with the rare exception of a “transitional” recipe. Vegan means that the recipes do not include animal products so contain no meat, eggs, or dairy. Making a change from the standard American diet to a healthier diet is not easy yet does not require perfection. You do not need to become vegan but you do need to eat more unprocessed plant-based foods. Small steps towards health is better than no steps at all. Your taste buds and food preferences will change as your body is exposed to healthier food. I promise that you will find some amazingly delicious recipes here. Always discuss any major dietary changes with your medical provider.

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Entrees Debora Tallio, MD/Mindful Medicine Entrees Debora Tallio, MD/Mindful Medicine


My youngest daughter who is hooked on fast food picked out this recipe and actually enjoyed it..

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